I can’t express to you in words how excited I, along with your women’s ministry team, am for the 2011-2012 year of events. We had a great turn out for the kick off and unveiled the new theme, calendar of events and bible studies for the upcoming year. The theme, this year, in case you missed the poster at the women’s ministry table is Armed and Dangerous! You will have several opportunities through Bible study, workshops and events to get armed with God’s Word and become dangerous to the world. My challenge to you is to get involved and take these opportunities. For some of us, it will mean rearranging our schedules and making it a priority to get armed so you will become dangerous to Satan and the world. I was exhausted just going through all the events but excited to be a part of God’s plan for the ladies of Sonlight and our community. For those of you who were unable to attend the kick off please visit the information table on Sunday. Now is the time for you to sign up for a fall study. NEW this year is E Study! The E Study is designed to be done in your home at the time you choose. It is great for different schedules, ladies with small children who can’t readily get to an in home study or people who enjoy online discussions and participation with other ladies. The fall E Study led by Natalie Morice is “Get a Life” by Vicky Courtney. See the information table for more information. I, Teresa Bass, will facilitate the study “No other Gods” by Kelly Minter. It is a great study where we will confront some of our modern day idols and work to give God back first place in our lives. God showed me so much in this study and I can’t wait to see what else He shows me and what He reveals to you. We will meet on Thursday nights and there will be childcare at this study. This is a lighter study of about 15-20 minutes a day 5 days a week but is loaded with heart searching God changing moments. The third study is “A Women After Gods Own Heart” by Elizabeth George. It will be offered on Wednesday nights at Beth Allen’s and Friday mornings at Diane Larios’ led by Lynn Moore. This study is designed to touch on every aspect of the women from parenting to marriage to schedules and more. It will be a great study for any woman who does not have it all together! The study will take about 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. So, ladies come by and sign up for a study as we grow together in God’s word and His ways to become Armed and Dangerous this year. Let’s get armed with His word so we become dangerous to the world!
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you grow in God’s word this year.
We will also be offering 4 workshops this year and it is time to sign up for the first one. The first one will be Friday Sept 16th at the church office from 7pm-9pm. The cost is only $5.00 so if you are interested in learning how to maximize your coupon savings sign up Sunday. In today’s economy we could all use some pointers in how to save money. I will see you there.
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